Fourteen Agrinsect’s (14A) main area of business is to collect, recycle/compost food waste and biomass from food recycling centres and food businesses. This food waste which would otherwise have been disposed of in landfills is used to feed and breed Black Soldier Fly (BSF).
These insects are extremely effective in breaking down the food waste using bespoke machinery we will extract protein, oil and fat from the BSF which can then be sold as excellent live food for birds and reptiles. The side product of the larvae (frass) makes a unique fertiliser and bio-repellant ideal for the agricultural industry.
We were approached by 14A (A well-funded Chinese start up business spun out of Warwick University) to resolve a number of key business development challenges, during the ramp up phase prior to manufacturing and post set up. These included planning, environmental issues and other regulatory requirements. We were also tasked with creating partnerships (including industry opinion formers, Local Councils, Defra and potential customers), marketing and sales activities.
The fundamental problem was creating a profitable environmental business in the current limitations of investment into the sector, whilst commercialising a university-based research and development project.
We secured all required planning and environmental permission required for the business. We also assisted in establishing the manufacturing process. We successfully identified sources for the required waste needed in the production process. As part of the process, we established ongoing working relationships with all key partners.
We identified potential customers which we targeted through various marketing initiatives. Including developing marketing collateral, presentations, multimedia and product launches.
Instrumental in setting up a highly regulated manufacturing and food recycling operation. Identified a network of partners that would enable 14A to deliver a range of products into different markets.
We also secured initial orders of £28 million with leading suppliers to the major supermarket chains in the UK.